Abruzzo's Olive oil
The quality of traditions
Virgil’s Georgics donated us an ode to flourishing green leaves of the Abruzzo olives, Ovid too wrote about the cultivation of olive trees and the production of olive oil in Abruzzo area. These are ancient literary evidences about the incredible old tradition of olive oil in Abruzzo. These are ancient literary evidences about the incredible old tradition of olive oil in Abruzzo.
In Abruzzo the olive growing is a really ancient tradition, which started during the first pastoral transhumance from the Apulian peninsula to the Northern territories as Abruzzo. Shepherds moved to the North with their grazing, bringing with them even plants, seeds and tree growing methods. Among these there were also olive trees. Due to these historical evidences, we can proudly affirm that the production of olive oil is a proper tradition of the Abruzzo region.
Indeed, Abruzzo area is characterised by the presence of a great number of native cultivars, each of them is strictly connected to a specific area of the region and a different way to product olive oil. Properly, these characteristics make the final product incredibly unique according with the area of growing. The taste and the aromatic overtones are deeply connected to the variety of each area and to the production method, which can be different, but strongly related to the traditions. From the Gentile di Chieti to the Intosso, until the well-known Leccino and the Dritta of the Vestino area. These are just some of the main cultivars in Abruzzo, but there are other varieties less known but still important, as the Tortiglione, the Toccolana and the Castiglionese.
Nonetheless, the presence of so many varieties of cultivars makes Abruzzo a privileged region for a high-quality food production. High-quality just because this strong respect of traditions positively affects the final quality.
Indeed, love for this job and for the family tradition makes Abruzzo olive oil one of the best in Italy. Abruzzo is the fifth region in Italy for olive oil production, and only the 50% of this is producted in Chieti area, the same of Martelli Farm.
Here in Martelli Farm we have decided that quality is our mission, and our quality makes the difference from other olive oils. Our product is a long time travel across the history of Abruzzo tradition, specifically of the Lanciano area. Tasting our olive oil your taste buds move with the same shepherds of the ancient transhumance and they arrive to the low hills of the Chieti area which are just above a light blue sea.
Virgil and Ovid told about Abruzzo olive trees because they cannot be easily forgotten due to their precious value and their strong link with millennials traditions that makes our region unique.